Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Goodbye Sweet Summer, Hello Clean Car

"Endings were like this. You could see them coming from far away, but there was one more thing and one more thing and one more thing; ...fall was coming. Endings when anticipated, took forever. I was torn between wanting the ending to be over with-just everyone go-and wanting to squeeze the life out of every remaining second" Elin Hilderbrand

The end of summer always gives me mixed feelings... kids are getting to each other and are in need of a routine, but the long, warm days and relaxing schedule I cherish.  A bit of chill is in the morning air and the evening light is slipping away faster behind the trees; it is inevitable, but I am trying to squeeze the life out of these last days. Since summer is winding down, it may be time to face -your house! It has been thru a summer of kids, family, visitors, vacations, pools and beaches so could it be in need of some organizing?? Of course, but again where do we begin? I saw an article this week in the local paper by Kristen Mastromarino, she is a professional organizer and her genius suggestion is to start with the car!!! The place you have been living out of- traveling and adventuring with the family. A car makeover will bring back some balance and sanity to you just in time.
1. Empty it out- remove all the toys, trash, bags, etc, dump them on the driveway or grass and vacuum the interior- wipe down all surfaces too!
2. Throw out all trash,  and then organize the trunk ! Put bags together that are going somewhere-returns, goodwill, back into your house, etc- label them if you can and schedule time on your calendar to take them to their destinations.
3. Revamp the travel bag- whatever your needs are kids, work, basic supplies, create a "car" bag that fits your needs when you are on the go- I always have a combination of kids/personal supplies-stamps, napkins, wipes, a brush and lip balm- coupons too!
Beach toys, towels  and the sand is out- most popsicle wrappers too- the car is ready for backpacks and cleats, one step towards the fall schedule, but wait to take on this oranization project for  another week or so- and squeeze the last bit of life out of summer, the soft, evening light behind the trees is nearly gone.

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