Saturday, November 2, 2013

Do You Have a Minute??

So who has 15 minutes? That's about all I have these days. 3 children has consumed most of my time and now the house is not so neat, but since the holiday season is creeping in (ugh!) It's time to take a little control back! We all have areas that get overrun quickly- either full of unused stuff or just items put away poorly. So here is a cheat sheet of how you can spend 15 minutes and solve your toughest home tasks.

1. Junk Drawer- 

TIP:most of these items are NOT junk! We house little essentials that we use on a daily basis so purge anything not necessary.
Product: any drawer oragnizer you like, purchase ones that come in a variety of sizes and shapes- measure the drawer before you buy!

2. Pantry Shelf

Tip: Any item you eat daily needs to be at eye level, less used foods can be down low or stored farther back.
Product: risers allow you to see all the products on a shelf- this will prevent doubling. Also use clear food containers! streamline organization and allow you to see what snacks or cereals you are running out of.

3. Purse/Wallet: 

Tip: Get rid of all the garbge that falls to the bottom and  clean out unused cards etc-complie all shopping club info on one index card or your phone.
Product: Small bags in the bag- categorize, makeup, electronics, kid stuff etc

4. Linen Closet

Tip: You may need more time here but empty the contents. Any sheets that are old, torn or missing a piece of a set toss- same goes for towels too
Product: Dividers will save you! Sheets will stay stacked and organized. Also get baskets for the bottom to house extra soap, Tp etc

Everyone has 15 minutes this weekend- pick one area to tackle and get on it!!!

The list goes on and on..

Who loves to make a list? I do-even with all the clever technology that is around- smart phones, apps, google calendars, I still on a daily basis reach for a pad and pen to create a to-do list! It may be 4-5 chores I hope to fit in that day or those key ingredients I need from the store, but the old fashioned list is easiest way to focus my brain for the day at hand. Crossing off those tasks one by one still yields a feeling of accomplishment!!
Recently a post caught my eye- taking the list to a whole new level! Megan from the blog, Honey we're Home describes the Master List as  
"A giant brain dump"- basically when life becomes too overwhelming pulling us all over the place the Master List can help focus our minds. Putting it all down on paper can really help anyone stress less and not forget the smallest of details. Here is how you can start.
All of our lives can be broken down into sub categories-you, kids, work, home, friends, etc. Under each category, she lists items that need to be completed. During a given time period, she will only highlight a FEW items to be crossed off. Creating the list on the computer will make it simple to revise and edit and color coding different areas is a nice touch. I have used this idea with my house; Take a legal pad and walk room to room. Write down the ideas/projects that you wish for each space. When you are ready for a house weekend- the list is there! Highlight  ONLY the 3-4 tasks you want to complete.  It's the ultimate way to keep many ideas or projects organized, but remember its ongoing,- the list just evolves and adapts as you finish tasks and take on new ones. 
Lastly, For the every day list- dry cleaners, post office etc, I always use a sticky note- attach to your wallet or car console then its easy to keep track of! With the holidays coming- give the Master List a try! I hope it gets your mind and to-do list in order!