Tuesday, May 24, 2011

So where do I begin? Part 1

 We all have those days- you're late, you cannot find what you're looking for- you want to pull your hair out! right? OK, answer these 2 questions and you can target the most troubled spot in your home, start small- even a drawer can make a difference.
Is it working for you and how are you feeling??
So, does the space work for you? Can you find the kids shoes and get out the door? Can you find the suit to wear for work? If no, then it is not working!!!  Pick that one place that gives you the most grief and wastes your valuable time. Organize to be efficient, not perfect! Now, how are you feeling? How do you actually feel when you look in the hall closet or basement- stressed? embarrassed? overwhelmed! Great-you have your project, it's  the first step to end the madness! Now what? part 2 will show you the way!

Love this pic-get alike baskets or bins and hide it all!- check out www.bhg.com

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