Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ready for Action, Now What?- Part 2

So here we are, you have found the place you want to take from cluttered to clean, but how?  This weekend,  I picked up a magazine entitled, Secrets of Getting Organized- it is a Better Homes and Gardens special publication.  It talks about solutions for every room, which is very helpful, but even better, the first article breaks the organization process down into 4 steps:
 1. Plan and empty, 2. Sort, 3. Shop and then 4. Reassemble. 
I read these then tweaked them a little-  the steps were easy , but  a little wordy, so I will try to make it short and sweet. First, set a time limit, be realistic! You do not need hours to make a difference. Next, be ready to empty (sort) things into the right piles, trash, keep, relocate, donate etc. Make decisions quickly, ask yourself how often do I really use/need this? Third, shop- yeah! you are now ready to buy the RIGHT type of storage, think about designs, colors and sizes-based upon what you kept- not what was there. Last, reassemble- Put it all back- fill up those new baskets or bins,  step back, and breathe. Well done!
Love these fun bins and buckets- best colors and designs, themacbethcollection.com

1 comment:

  1. I love this!! Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us! I will look forward to the postings!! xo
