Monday, April 9, 2012

It's About Time

Time is always ticking. There is no way around that, but recently I read an article that made me stop and give some serious thought about how we should use our time. In the April issue of Real Simple, one article focuses particularly on women and time. Surprise, women today have less free time then ever! According to the Real Simple survey conducted by Harris Interactive, 1/2 of women say they do not have enough and working is not to blame- our families and households are. We are doing all the chores and rarely delegate to our partners. We create an endless to do list of domestic duties and guilt ourselves into spending every free moment "doing" for our families. When we finally do get some leisure time, it is often "contaminated"- (perfect word!) You either combine a leisure activity with housework/childcare (like laundry and reading a book) Or your time is continuously interrupted!  You finally take a seat and someone suddenly needs something- you didn't even get a chance to take a deep breath!!

So what to do? We have to get a handle on creating and enjoying sustained free time. Before you can attempt to organize your house- destressing and uncluttering your brain is the most important area you could clear. Keep these ideas in mind!
1. Shift your standards- thinking we can get it all done all the time will make you miserable because it just won't happen. Prioritize time for yourself even if chores are left undone.
2. Delegate- we all need to get better at this! Let your spouse/kids take on some chores or if you can, hire some help!
3.Schedule Free Time- What ever it is- the gym, a movie, lunch with a friend get it on the calendar and stick to it, you will feel more content and satisfied.

So what do you really want to do? Shop, hit the spa, nap or just be alone! Pick it and start carving out the time to do so. Real simple has included a great way to get started! At, you can create a pie chart to see how you really spend your day, share with your family. Acquire the best strategies for getting your kids and husbands to do their fair share at home and tips on how to create a much more realistic to do list! 

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