Monday, February 10, 2014

If only we had more time...

Its cold, its windy and we are inside- looking around at the spaces that need help! One blog I follow, Simplify 101 talked about receiving a letter from a follower- a busy mom who works, has children in activities and has a husband who travels. The dog fits in there somewhere too! As she put it"Just your average, middle class, overworked, overstressed, running daylight to dark, ready to pull my hair out mom" Sound familiar? The blogger put together a list of the best techniques she uses in her own home for getting and staying organized and I thought they were worth hearing- After  a little tweaking of my own- Here are 5 tips that we could all use!! 

1. Own Less Stuff- of course! The less you have the less you have to deal with! It takes up so much time and space-  pare down and don't be afraid to let it go! If you do not use it, if it doesn't fit, or you just don't like it then its OK to donate- you will feel free!

2. Progress Using Small Chunks of Time- If you decide one weekend that you want to clean the basement- you will fail! A project needs time and dividing that time into bits is OK because you will make progress! Even 15 minutes can make a dent- declutter one specific area and then stop. Its OK if its not all done- progress is progress, big or small and you will feel accomplishment rather than failure.

3. Start Saying No!! If you need to create some breathing room in your schedule than start saying no so you can free up time. Use that time to catch up and focus on the projects in your home you want to tackle.  Remember its not no forever for everything, just for now.

4.Keep up don't catch up!- Becoming overwhelmed is never a good feeling- so stay a step ahead of the clutter by keeping up with it. So once a space is organized- take the time required to keep it that way- its probably only a few minutes!

5. Simplify anything you can! Have a simple meal plan you rotate- keep a grocery list so you don't recreate it every week, set up automatic bill paying etc etc! Anywhere you can simplify do it! Create systems that will save you some time.

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