Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring into Action

It is almost my favorite time of year- March can be a little unpredictable, but so far it has been pretty great! I am still holding my breath though-overnight we can go from 65 degrees to flurries. Never the less, it is time for some almost spring cleaning! If you own a house you know the outside needs attention too, the lawn, the pruning, the deck furniture etc. But since a outside cleanup may still be weeks away, let's look inside. Martha Stewart composed a list that is quite extensive, but I took her most useful and important tips to create a Spring must do- clearing out key spaces in your home will make everything feel renewed!

Get some basics for cleaning! Kitchens and bathrooms could use a serious scrub down. White vinegar, Bon Ami powder cleanser, Method Glass and surface cleaner and Caldrea cleaning cloths, ( love their sponges too) These supplies will give any room a fresh start.

New season- new clothes!!! If you are on the verge of changing over your closets and relocating winter clothes- please have the donate bag nearby!  If you have not worn the item in 2 winters or it is now out of style or does not fit, let it go! 

Now that the closet has more room, shelf dividers are a great way to keep your sweaters from falling on your jeans or keeping handbags separate from your t-shirts.  You can even get ones that will divide and give you 2 levels of space! (check out

You know the pantry could use a overhaul- consolidate small items into categories, bins or baskets can contain like items together. Throw out expired or stale items. Invest in canisters- they are great storage for keeping food fresh and they will give any pantry a polished look.

Last but not least- the garage! It is a big job, but just start small. Store the winter items, shovels, snow blowers, skis and sleds. If you have room, move them into the basement.  Gather the garden tools together- take inventory of updates you may need, ( gloves, small tools, soil, seeds) Some outdoor furniture may be ready to be wiped down and go out- leaving more room . Spring sports equipment and large yard tools  should be hung - use pegboards, shelves, and hooks. Go vertical whenever possible! 

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