Friday, September 16, 2011

The Art of Organizing

After school, when the kids come off the bus and trample thru the door with their loaded down back packs- you know what is coming- papers!!! Eventually, you will have to unload the lunchbox and tackle the home/school  folder. Of course, some of these papers are the informational, health forms, beginning of year stuff, that we all have to fill out, but then the math facts, writing samples and rainbow pictures drawn during a rainy afternoon come falling out. Now I know we all want to save every piece of paper that exhibits the genius in our child, but we have to pick and choose or else we will be overrun! Try to empty out that folder every day and only keep  what will have meaning in 20 years (like specific drawings and writing pieces) then chuck the rest! Once you decide what is in the "keepsake" pile, what do you do with it? Here are a couple ideas from, once again, Martha Stewart about how to preserve, display and cherish all these works of art!
1. Mail Tubes: This is the best for all the large art work that comes home, you can label them by grade, year or project, any way you want.
2. Collage: Pick 6-8 of your faves and frame them. Display in a place where you will enjoy it often, kitchen, mudroom, or office. 
3. Folder: An accordian style folder works great for papers of all sizes- there are so many compartments this folder will last you for years and it folds flat for easy storage. I picked up one in a craft store. 
You may want to keep writing papers and awards separate-  a cute storage box that fits under the bed can be easily labeled or use a scrapbook designed for school year memories. Pick a style that works for you and preserve some of these little masterpieces, someday you will be so glad you did!

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